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BEIJING - If the mention of cities in China, of which the mind is often, Beijing, Shanghai, and others. But if called Shaoxing, probably only a handful of people who know about it.

In fact, Shaoxing, which is one city in East China, has recently been identified as the central capital bersemayamnya dangerous virus attack on the Internet by the U.S. Internet security firm, Symantec.

Company goes through that, Shaoxing into place and sent 12 billion emails containing malware.In one study, even showing that the higher amount had been sent through the city.

Researchers at Symantec found nearly 30 percent of malicious email was sent from China and 21.3 percent came from Shaoxing city alone. The hackers were able to identify the main target of the attack Asia and defense policy expert human rights activists, which raises the suspicion of government involvement in the attack.

Symantec quoted as saying in the Times, Tuesday (30/3/2010), to help investigate alleged hacking attacks to Google, which makes the search engine giant was eventually leave because they do not feel at home with the policy of reining in China's censorship.

Cyber crime itself using emails sent in large volumes with menyisipi attachments or documents to fool the user to allow malicious code to infect their computers, because such an email note that was inserted earlier Malware.

"The ultimate goal is to gain access to sensitive data or internal systems by targeting specific individuals or companies," wrote Symantec's report.

Symantec tracked the registration numbers of individual computers, known as IP, to find the true source of the attack. Previously, hackers in China have been able to disguise themselves behind a server in Taiwan.

The findings show that China is the source of 28.2 percent of global targeted attacks, followed by Romania, with 21.1 percent, which is considered to attack the majority of commercial fraud efforts. United States came third, followed by Taiwan and then English, with an attack rate of 12 percent.

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my name kakha callipo "xpo".
hanyalah sebuah nama samaran dalam dunia yang maya ini. keseharian hidup sebagai seorang tukang IT , dengan teman seonggok laptop mungilnya. Beladjar mengerti hidup dengan segala tantangan yang ada.

Demak kota wali 86, itulah boemi lahirku. kini berbekal tulisan, inilah akuu yang mencoba hal baru ..... karena kata orang "segalanya pasti akan berlalu, kecuali apa yang kita tulis"

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