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CALIFORNIA - Google recently released an automatic scanning program for security at the site called skipfish. The presence of this program to help reduce crime online security system.

Although skipfish perform the same functions as other open-source scanning tools like Nikto and Nessus, Michal Zalewski, a Google engineer believes skipfish has several advantages.

This program operates at high speed, thanks to the handling of HTTP that can be optimized, and could easily reach 2000 requests per second. Also claimed skipfish very easy to use.

And, he says, it includes advanced security system, which helps reduce the possibility of producing a false threat. Techniques used in skipfish are similar to those used in security tools ever released by Google on the year 2008, ratproxy.

"Like ratproxy, we feel that skipfish will be a valuable contribution to the information security community, create a security assessment is significantly more accessible and easier to implement," he said as quoted by Information Week, Monday (5/4/2010).

Scanning security equipment needs are obviously very diperlukan.Menurut security firm Cenzic report found that 90 percent of the applications on the site has a vulnerability.

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my name kakha callipo "xpo".
hanyalah sebuah nama samaran dalam dunia yang maya ini. keseharian hidup sebagai seorang tukang IT , dengan teman seonggok laptop mungilnya. Beladjar mengerti hidup dengan segala tantangan yang ada.

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