callipo blog

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LONDON - It turns out since the year 1995 scientists have conducted research on the universe. The result, they found approximately 450 new planets outside our solar system.

From other research, scientists discovered that there are planets which are very old, even until there is a lot like Earth. Scientists call this primeval world, or the oldest planet was about 12.7 billion years old.

Quoted by, Tuesday (29/06/2010), the scientists estimate the planet is formed before the earth, and differ only 2 billion years of the Big Bang event. By scientists, it can be assumed that life may have occurred earlier.

Meanwhile, scientists are researching the planet 51 Pegasi B, which resembles the planet Jupiter. Just as Jupiter, Bellerphon has a very hot surface temperature and lies in the constellation Pegasus. Bellerphon own name, according to Greek mythology, means the hero who tamed the winged horse Pegasus.

Meanwhile, with Earth-like planet known as Gliese 581 C. However, although having similarities with Earth, the planet is half the size of the larger and five times denser than Earth.

Until now, researchers still explore whether there is life on planet Earth are the same.

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